Nestled along the tranquil banks of the Tonle Sap River, the Himawari Hotel Apartments exude an enchanting blend of luxury and serenity. As the sun rises, its golden rays kiss the Mekong Delta, casting a spell on this five-star oasis. Within, soft timbers and burnished fabrics cocoon guests in comfort, while panoramic vistas weave tales of ancient civilizations. FitnessOne’s fully-equipped gym invites rejuvenation, and the Oyster Restaurant & Bar beckons with fusion cuisine. Like sunflowers, we turn our faces toward warmth, and our story blooms—ready to cradle you in our sunflower embrace.
Chinese New Year 2024 Dragon Dance Event Coverage
Re-activation and Online Reputation Management
Himawari Hotel & Apartments
Achieve Omni-presence and Omni-channel Marketing. Jumpstart your Online Journey
Omni-channel marketing so your customers can easily find you. Be present anywhere and anytime, online.
A5 Menu Display at Restaurant for F&B Team
Drinks Photography for Monthly Beverage Promotions
Food Photography for Dining Promotions, Coordination with Executive Chef
Graphic Design for New Beer Variant, Himawari's Microbrewery
Property Monthly Photoshoot